Maybe it’s you that has to change feminists!

Feminists go on and on about how men are stereotyping women, about how men are asking absurd things from women and they should learn to accept different body figures and shapes and styles and so on… And it might seem like a correct thing to say, a logical thing… Oh well, it might seem like that but I assure you it’s not. It’s just stupid and condescending and utterly bonkers. And I truly believe that we have let our society spin out of control for long enough and it is time to simply push back and tell it how it is. We might be right at the edge of no return and if we don’t do something now, we will surely regret it at some point in the future.

So, let me explain to you why the feminists are being stupid here. First of all, let’s get one thing straight, you don’t owe anybody anything on this planet, especially when it comes to personal relationships. You are allowed to dislike people, you are allowed to run away from people based on your own egotistical criteria. I am allowed to say no to anybody I want because guess what, my time and my feelings and my attention are mine and mine alone and I am the only one that gets to decide who is worthy of them. And that does not make me racist, misogynistic or whatever because newsflash, being in my company is not a right you were born with, it’s a choice I make based on my own standards. If they are too high, it’s my problem and I will deal with the consequences thank you.

Let me give you an example so you understand it better. Let’s say that you go to McDonald’s and you try out their burgers. And let’s say you hate them. You absolutely hate those burgers. Is it ok if McDonald’s comes to your house and says something like this: “Hey dude, you are just being ignorant and you didn’t give our burgers a chance, we expect you to be more open minded and accept that there are different types of burgers and you should appreciate all of them not just those that cater to your taste! Now come back and enjoy our burger damn you!”…

What would be your reaction if McDonald’s did that? Outrage? Fury? What? You would probably just say fuck McDonald’s and go to Burger King am I right? Because of course, if McDonald’s wants to have you as a costumer, well then surely they would not blame you for not liking their burgers, they would instead make a better burger to convince you to come back, to convince you to give them another chance. Right? Right? I mean that would be the normal and logical thing to do considering that they are interested in getting you back… Right?

Ok, now that we have that settled, please explain to me why we would get so outraged if McDonald’s did that and we don’t get outraged when feminists do the exact same thing? So you don’t like a girl let’s say because she’s fat. Or ugly, or she doesn’t shave her legs or so on and so forth. You don’t like that person and you don’t want to be close to her. But in the feminists mind, that’s your fault because you are not being inclusive and understanding and you are stereotyping and so on… And we are ok with that, really?

For all the feminists out there, if a guy doesn’t like you because you are fat, get thinner, if a guy doesn’t like you because you don’t shave, fucking go shave and so on. Or don’t do any of those things, I don’t care, just stop complaining. Nobody is forced to love you, nobody is forced to give a damn about you. You are not entitled to anything as long as you don’t make any effort. Yes, men like nice looking girls, buu huu… Life sucks, get used to it!

It’s not other’s people fault that you don’t measure up to their standards. It might not even be your fault, but stop trying to battle their own personal rules with your stupid bumper stickers. Guys are not obligated to settle for mediocre girls just because you are mediocre and you want a guy really really bad. If you don’t want to change, live with the consequences of that decision. Just move on, find someone that is willing to accept you the way you are. But never ever complain, because in everything you do in life, there is only one simple rule: be good, get good or give up!

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